Java Bootcamp Prework

Welcome! You're embarking on a new journey. It's going to be exciting, rewarding, and at times overwhelming, but don't worry! You're not in this alone. You have a whole team of students and instructional staff here to support you!

Completing this prework is vital to your success in the course. You're going to see a lot of new terms and it won't all make sense right away, but that's okay! The purpose of this prework is to expose you to a lot of new terminology and concepts at a very high level. It may not all make sense now, but it will provide you a context in which to understand things you learn later.

Learning to code is like learning a new language. Suppose you were learning Hungarian. The first time you hear it, you probably won't understand much, if anything at all. But that's okay! The exposure itself is invaluable and a vital part of the learning process. The second time you hear it, it probably won't be much better. But after 3 months of hearing the language and practicing it everyday, just imagine how much better you'll be... and all because you weren't afraid to take that first leap and dive into a conversation that you couldn't really understand.

I urge you to tackle this prework with the open mind, humility, curiosity, and excitement that you would tackle an introduction to a new language. Don't worry about what you don't know; instead, be energized by how much amazing learning you have ahead of you!

Throughout this prework, you'll be prompted to complete activities. These activities are required and will count towards your final grade for this course. We highly encourage you to watch this Prework Submission Video to avoid any confusion when turning in your prework assignements.

There are a total of five prework assignments required for submission and you don't need to create multiple Google Drive folders for each assignment as you'll be submitting links to Bootcampspot directly to each Google Document. But as the video states, always remember to configure the share settings for your Google Drive and Google Documents!

Pre-Work Modules

Module #1 - What is the Internet?

Let's get started!

Module #2 - Machine Ready (Required)

Let's get all those pesky installs out of the way.

Module #3 - Terminal (Required)

Get your feet wet a little using your computer's terminal.

Module #4 - Git and GitHub (Required)

Start learning about version control and how to use Git and GitHub.

Module #5 - SQL (Required)

Start learning about SQL and Relational Databases.

Module #6 - Cloud Native Applications (Required)

Cloud Native Applications are a big part of modern development. Learn exactly what Cloud Native Applications are, and how we'd begin to build one.

Module #7 - Introduction to Programming (Required)

This class isn't going to be easy. To get a head-start on your learning, take a look at some programming fundamentals here.

Module #8 - Using Guides and Documentation (Required)

A lot of what you'll be doing on-the-job is diving into documentation, forums, and various other learning resources. Unfortunately, that's just the nature of the beast. Tech moves quickly and becoming stagnant in your knowledge means that you're already behind! Luckily for you, you're curious and love to learn new technologies!