Chapter 2 - Tools of the Trade

In chapter 1 we learned some cool stuff, but there's loads left to learn! Before we get too deep though, we should make sure you have all the tools you need in your tool belt to hit the ground running on day 1.

This chapter is all about installations.

Ready for Action!

Coming into your first day of class, you will be expected to have several tools already installed. This will ensure you're ready to start learning immediately. The purpose of this module is to walk you through the process of installing tools needed for the course and give you a brief primer on the roles they play.

After completing this module, you will have each of the following tools installed:

  • Slack
  • Java SDK
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Git / GitHub
  • Git Bash (Windows Only)
  • Terminal (Mac Only, Pre-Installed)

In addition, you will also have accounts on each of the following websites:

  • GitHub
  • Slack

Having trouble with set up? Not to worry. Your instructional staff will help you troubleshoot any errors and answer any questions on the first day of class. Just sit tight until then!


Before we start installing everything willy-nilly, let's take a moment to examine each of these tools to better understand the role they play.


We'll be using this application literally every single day for the next few months. Slack is an online communication tool that is a mix of forum, instant messenger, and email - all rolled in one. It's a tool that is used by countless organizations worldwide.

In our Boot Camp, we'll be using Slack extensively to send code snippets during class, to relay important announcements, and to facilitate group exercises. You will receive the link to your class-specific channel during orientation. You will definitely want to have this installed on Day 1. (Note how we said installed and not simply logged into. While the web client is good, for our class, you will want to install the actual program onto your machine.)

Git / Github

Because multiple developers need to carefully build upon each other's work in code files, Git offers a specialized set of strategies for orchestrating the collaboration. GitHub then takes all of these collaborative actions and stores them online. In a way, GitHub serves as a sort of Dropbox for coders. It offers a central place for individuals or teams to upload their code, to view revision history and to make changes to a master set of files. You'll come to learn a lot about Git and GitHub in your first weeks of class. You will receive the link to your class-specific repository during orientation.

Git Bash (Windows Only) / Terminal (Mac, Pre-installed)

Git Bash (Windows) and Terminal (Mac) offer a command line interface for working with the files and folders on your computer.

So is it like Finder or Windows Explorer?

Kind of... except there are no pictures or visuals. It's just a box with text.

Uh, why would I want that?

You'll come to understand over time, but in many situations, utilizing a command line interface can be faster and more powerful than relying on the operating system's GUI. You'll get a little more exposure to the command line in the required assignment below and in the next chapter!

Assignments (Required)