Chapter 8 - Using Guides and Documentation
Learning More
Congratulations on getting this far! If you're interested in learning more about Java, check out these resources:
Read through chapter 0 and chapter 1 of this book (Required)
Complete this online course (Required)
Practice, Practice, Practice
Once you've gone through some of the reading material and gone through the course, you probably feel like you have a pretty decent understanding of Java! Let's put those test and get some more practice while we're at it!
Play through some of these coding games (Recommended)
Try out some of these exercises (Recommended)
Assignment (Required)
This assignment will be based off of the questions found in the reading material above.
- Complete exercise 0.3 found at the end of Chapter 0 from the reading: Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving.
Write your answer in a Google Document titled, "Additional Resources Chapter 0 Prework Assignment". You'll be submitting a link to your Google Document in Bootcampspot so make sure that you choose the "Anyone with the link can View" share option! Be sure to submit this link under the assignment, "Pre-work: Reading Chapter 0 Answers" in Bootcamptspot.
- Complete exercises 1.2 and 1.5 found at the end of Chapter 1 from the reading: Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving.
Write your answer in a Google Document titled, "Additional Resources Chapter 1 Prework Assignment". You'll be submitting a link to your Google Document in Bootcampspot so make sure that you choose the "Anyone with the link can View" share option! Be sure to submit this link under the assignment, "Pre-work: Reading Chapter 1 Answers" in Bootcamptspot.
If you have any issues submitting your prework, check out this video for step-by-step instructions on how to do so! Prework Submission Video
Final Word
Congratulations on having completed the prework! This prework was designed to help you best succeed in this course. Not only will you be given instruction and assignments to accelerate your learning, but additional resources like the ones found above will always be highly encouraged to truly bolster your knowledge and set you up for success!
Your instructional staff is eager to get to know you and guide you as you learn to build some really cool things!